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For the Voice of the Psalms

By István László G.
Translated from Hungarian by István Geher

Hide me in the shadow of your wings,
not to be seen in flight, when I
would fly with you, not for the eyes
is the wing, the eye breaks off the dove-
feather on the upstretched muscles.
Dirty guano is all the flutter
on the square where tires drive away
my jostling shame from the morsels,
for so much I long for you, with a split head,
with stupid dovelike motion, to be saved.
A bird’s wing smeared on stone, the flesh is a road
to you, if it is, or isn’t, at the end,
and it has no voice, it flops, the carcass of a dove.

Translation of “Zsoltárhangra.” Copyright István László G. Translation copyright 2007 by István Geher. All rights reserved.


Hide me in the shadow of your wings,
not to be seen in flight, when I
would fly with you, not for the eyes
is the wing, the eye breaks off the dove-
feather on the upstretched muscles.
Dirty guano is all the flutter
on the square where tires drive away
my jostling shame from the morsels,
for so much I long for you, with a split head,
with stupid dovelike motion, to be saved.
A bird’s wing smeared on stone, the flesh is a road
to you, if it is, or isn’t, at the end,
and it has no voice, it flops, the carcass of a dove.

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