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By Mónica de la Torre
Translated from Spanish by the author
Mónica de la Torre's "Doubles" has the author—also the translator—wondering just how many of her there might be.

From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Undisclosed recipients Subject: abandoned

I am looking for Mónica de la Torre, my biological mother. She traveled from Argentina to Barcelona with my father in 1975. They were both together there and in Minorca, where I was born. She went back to Argentina and disappeared when I was two years old, after being accused of subversive activities. I lived in Barcelona and New York until I was 16, but now I live in Argentina with my father and stepmother. I’ve heard rumors that my mother might be in the United States.

If you read this message and know something about her please communicate with me. It is possible that she doesn’t use her real name now. Unfortunately we don’t know what she looks like today. She had no birthmarks or scars in the past.

Thank you, Mercedes Correche


From: Monica de la Torre To: mcorreche@tuberí CC: Undisclosed recipients Subject: Re: abandoned

Hi! I am Monica de la Torre, but I am not your mother! I am Regional Student Representative for the #1 Region in the Nation, Region 1!! I live in Santa Clara, California, and am about to get my undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering! After receiving my BS, I plan to attend Graduate School to pursue a Masters Degree in Information Systems.

I write to you to give you words of wisdom… I haven’t always felt like a leader, but several experiences in my life have helped to put me in the position where I am now and to have the confidence that I have. I’m living proof of the quote “Leaders are made, not born!” I encourage you to have the same positive attitude towards life. Good luck with your search!

That’s all for now from this Silicon Valley Girl, Monica de la Torre


From: moni(c) To: Monica de la Torre CC: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: abandoned

Dear Monica de la Torre,

I wanted to alert you to the fact that your reply to Mercedes Correche, daughter of Monica de la Torre, went to everyone on the listserve and also let you know that I found it totally irresponsible. I don’t know who you are or what you’re thinking, but I’m pretty sure that the woman who found herself in the vulnerable situation of having to write such a painful e-mail did not appreciate your leadership messages.

As for you, Mercedes, believe it or not, my name is also Monica de la Torre. I am an officer at the Door Legal Services in New York, and I specialize on family law and the rights of teen parents or young people living independently. Should you need some information pertaining how you can go about dealing with your mother if you find her, please write to me. I’ll gladly offer my services to you at no charge.

Compassionately, Monica de la Torre


From: Becky Varnum To: mcorreche@tuberí CC: moni(c) Subject: Re: abandoned

Dear Mercedes,

I am a close friend of Monica de la Torre, the legal advisor in New York. She sent me your e-mail because she remembered my mentioning to her that I had met someone with her same name at a tennis tournament. I play tennis and clearly remember beating a woman named Monica de la Torre at the Wolverine Invitational in Ann Arbor in 1998. In fact, the final score was 6-2, 6-0. She had a Spanish accent that didn’t sound familiar to me, and I remember that when I asked her where she was from she tried hard to convince me that she had grown up in Texas. She was a very good player, but she clearly was concealing something. This might be the person whom you’re looking for. I can get in touch with the organizers of the invitational and ask them for more information on that strange woman.

Best, Becky


To: mcorreche@tuberí From: Manuela Subject: Mi madre

Hi Meche:

My English is no good. ¡Hablas español? Do you speak Espanish? I don’t know who you are or for what you wrote to me. My friend Manuela here in Veracruz has a transsexual website and says to me that you are looking for me. I am stripper, go-go dancer, performance artist and top model. Why do you want me? I do not want anybody to know the real name that my mamacita, descanse en paz, put me when I was brought to the world as a boy. Why do you want my data? If you have interest in my show come to Veracruz, aventurera. If not then good-bye.

Chau honey,

Mónica de la Torre Lo mejor de Veracruz

PD: You can see my photograph in the website. But careful with your baba, drool! Bad for the teclado, how do you say, the key boar.

TRANSSEXUAL TOP MODEL: MONICA DE LA TORRE From: Veracruz, Mexico Lives in: Veracruz, VER, MX


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: moni(c), Subject: Re: Re: abandoned

Dear Monica & Becky,

Thank you both very much for responding. I appreciate your offering to help, Mrs. de la Torre. As for you, Becky, if you could gather information for me I would appreciate it. I asked my father whether my mother was good at sports, or played tennis when she was married to him or in her youth. He said that she didn’t care for sports because everyone in her “bourgeois” family was athletic and she just liked to stay home reading (& smoking cigarettes.) He said that she became less prejudiced when she read that Samuel Beckett was an excellent swimmer and golf player. He also mentioned that she had a lot of nervous energy that she liked to get rid of by getting involved in challenging physical activities. Maybe she is the tennis player.

I need to see my mother again. Thank you for your help, ~Mercedes


From: To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Re: abandoned

Dear Mercedes,

My daughter was planning a vacation to Spain (Cataluña, to be precise) and came across your mother’s name again. There is a hotel in the medieval town of Regencós in Girona managed by a woman called Mónica de la Torre. The hotel is called the Hotel del Teatre, and just opened in the summer of 2003. It seems like it was an old theater turned into a hotel. It has a website: You might get her on the phone!

I haven’t been able to get information on the tennis player. I’ll keep trying.

Good luck, Becky


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: m.t.p.39@texasA& Subject: Looking for my mother

Dear Monica de la Torre,

This is not spam. Believe me. I’m sorry for the intrusion, but I am looking for someone of your same name, who is my birth mother. She disappeared 27 years ago in Argentina. Might you be the person I am looking for?

Thanks, Mercedes Correche


From: m.t.p.39@texasA& To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Looking for my mother


Is this some sort of joke? Just because my name sounds Spanish doesn’t mean that I am from Argentina. I am sick of receiving sales calls and junk mail in Spanish! What is this! If your last name is Hungarian does that mean that AT&T will send you Hungarian promotional material?

Anyway, I am not even 27 years old myself! I was born in 1982 and have never been married and have no children (that I know of, ha ha!) As of now I am a graduate student at the Texas A & M University; I’m getting a M.S. in Food Science and Technology.

Sorry I can’t help.

Take care, Monica


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: m.t.p.39@texasA& Subject: Re: Re: Looking for my mother


Please forgive me. When I saw your name on the website I was so excited that I forgot to read the information included in the listing for you. I just went back to your page and read it. I’m very curious to know why you chose to study “the properties of fried and baked tortilla chips fortified with mechanically-expelled soy flour”. What is that? Who eats that? Here in Argentina we don’t have that kind of product.

Anyway, is there anyone with your same name in your family? What is your mother’s name? I’m sorry to bother you again; I find it fascinating that you & I are almost the same age.

Good-bye, Mercedes


From: m.t.p.39@texasA& To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Re: Re: Looking for my mother

Hi Mercedes,

I’m sorry if I insulted you. There are many things I could tell you about my family, but I don’t think they’ll be of any worth to you. My parents are of Mexican descent, and I believe that they named me Monica because I was born on May 4, Santa Monica’s day. I don’t know that much about her except that she was the mother of St. Augustine. The last name is very common, you know? I wouldn’t look too much into it. Actually, where was your mother from? I don’t think that’s a common last name in Argentina, where everyone has those Italian-sounding names. It’d have to be Delta Torri, no?

Anyhow, re your question about my interest in tortilla chips, I’m studying the properties of fortified ones because I think they’re a healthy option for corn chips, which are low in proteins. Corn tortilla chips were the most popular snack in the nation last year. It’s awesome to me that so many otherwise starving Mexicans have survived on beans and tortillas only. I’m interested in developing nutritious and affordable foods that are appealing to lower-income people, who consume higher quantities of junk food than people in other economic strata. It could work, no?

Good luck with everything. I sure hope you find your biological mother. Monica


From: To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Looking for my mother

Dear Mercedes Correche,

I received an e-mail saying you were looking for someone of my same name. I’m sorry to upset you, but I’m not the person you’re looking for. You can see a picture of me at my cheerleading team website. Do I look like the other Monica? It’d be so cool to have relatives in Argentina! Maybe we’re cousins or something. I love dulce de leche Hagen Daas ice cream, isn’t it from the same place you are?

¡Hasta! M.

Monica De La Torre J.V. Class of 2005

Favorite Movie: “Me, Myself & Irene” Favorite Quote: Edison’s “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Or as my dad says, you can’t take the elevator to success, you have to take the stairs! Advice to Future Cheerleaders: Think team group–None of us is as smart as all of us.


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Subject: Check this out

Hi Monica,

Thanks for writing back. Of course you’re not whom I’m looking for! How old are you? My mother should be 57 now. From what could gather upon looking at your varsity’s website, it looks like you might write poetry. I found this on a website, did you write it? It sounds like you could have. I don’t know what the site is. It seems to be for a grade school somewhere in Spain or something. Did you ever study there?

POESÍAS 2001-2002En otros países

Mientras nosotros vemos la televisión niños de otros países mueren sin compasión.Guerras malditas hambre sin fin tienen la culpa de hacerles morir.

Los niños trabajan pues no hay escuelas, las mujeres trabajan cultivando las tierras.

La comida que tienen es muy poca, y a veces no tienen nada que llevarse a la boca.

Por eso debemos ser solidarios y ayudarles en todo lo que podamos.

Mónica de la Torre (6/A)


From: To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Check this out

Mercedes, Didn’t I mention that I can’t read Spanish? My parents keep pestering me about the low grades I’ve been getting in my Spanish class. ~Monica


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Subject: Re: Re: Re: Check this out

Hi again Monica,

Ok, so you didn’t write the poem. I’ll translate it, since I think you’ll like it. It might make you think about some stuff you haven’t thought of, like how lucky you are to be able to devote so much time to your senior dance project. Do you watch much TV?

Best, Mercedes

In Other Countries

While we’re watching TV children in foreign countries are dying without pity.

Wretched wars unending hunger are to blame for their deaths.

Children work for there are no schools, and women work sowing the land.

The food they have is barely enough, sometimes there’s nothing to bring to their mouths.

And so we ought to be in solidarity and help them in any way that we can.


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Subject: More to read

Hi again, Monica,

Sorry to bombard you. I just found another poem in Spanish by another Monica de la Torre. I wonder if my mother could have written this one at some point in her life. The poem was also translated by someone into English. It’s weird, I have no idea of what it means, but you might like it too.


Count-down by Mónica De la Torre

Coffee and cookies? ¡or do you prefer a cigarette to enjoy the vacant (I should have said lapidary) END of the year?

Is the one who a year ago -a year ago already-ate liquid grapes and salt still breathing?

As for me, I dare say that I AM dead and aLIVE and perhaps a bit sad, caught between the smoke and the teeth of James Bond with my loneliness, my own steel rods, and my holes.

And that’s not SO bad, if I survive the BITTER sip of coffee that does not WAKE one but rather induces the drowsiness of a SUB-marine turtle I’m s i n king or plunging into the green shell of an ORDINARY Sunday.

Mi rival es mi propio corazón, por traicionero . . . Where are you?

As for me, I dare say that I’m living these LAST minutes prefabricated

in a microwave oven, with the coffee dregs dissolved solved.

Five, four, three, two, two, two.

And the telephone? There’s nobody home . . .


From: To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: More to read

Hi Mercedes,

Listen, I’m very busy right now rehearsing a funk dance for a dance invitational, and to tell you the truth I don’t understand a single thing in that last poem you sent. It has nothing to do with me! I mean, what can I do with a poem like that? What does it mean? What does it teach me? It doesn’t say anything to me. I guess maybe the thing about the phone is interesting, although you can always textmessage someone if you don’t want to be waiting like an idiot for someone to pick up the phone or return your call.

Gotta run. Bye, Monica


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Subject: Re: Re: More to read

Sorry, I just thought the poem was fun. I guess I’m spending too much time in this search. I tend to get a little too eager when I find clues that could point me in the right direction.

Good luck with all your projects, Mercedes


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Subject: news about the hotel in Girona

Dear Becky,

I wanted to make sure that you or anyone you know didn’t speak to the Monica de la Torre who used to run the Hotel del Teatre in Girona. I finally got to speak to someone at the hotel, a man named Ramón, who said that the previous manager had accidentally slipped after an employee had mopped the floor and was now in a coma. Can you believe it! I asked him for information on her, and he said he couldn’t disclose any. To tell you the truth, I smell something fishy. I begged him to at least answer whether the woman was South American, and he not only refused to tell me, but also hung up the phone on me! I’m devastated. I might have to travel there to see her, even if she’s comatose.

If you know anyone who ever stayed at that hotel, or spoke to the manager, please let me know as soon as you can!


*** From: To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Check this out

As I was surfing I encountered the following website:

Take a look at it! It might help you.

Hasta! Monica


Click Here if you are looking for MONICA DELATORRE.This page is simply a permutation of possible names. None of them are associated with actual people. These names also have nothing to do with the content in Your Names*–. To go to Your Names*–, click above.


Naoma Delatorre Maybelle Delatorre Breanna Delatorre Carey Delatorre Britt Delatorre Nicola Delatorre Rosario Delatorre Mavis Delatorre Christene Delatorre Lyn Delatorre Ethelyn Delatorre Sid Delatorre Rudy Delatorre Ronna Delatorre Kymberly Delatorre Salley Delatorre Jorge Delatorre Jutta Delatorre Teresa Delatorre Reiko Delatorre Wilson Delatorre Margy Delatorre Gerardo Delatorre Pearlie Delatorre Denis Delatorre Nakita Delatorre Claude Delatorre Loralee Delatorre Gayla Delatorre Lauralee Delatorre Natashia Delatorre Margrett Delatorre Justa Delatorre Nola Delatorre Numbers Delatorre Madlyn Delatorre Lai Delatorre Aida Delatorre Ramonita Delatorre Jimmie Delatorre Valorie Delatorre Callie Delatorre Avelina Delatorre Ethel Delatorre Chauncey Delatorre Gricelda Delatorre Janella Delatorre Nichelle Delatorre Debora Delatorre Rubin Delatorre Adella Delatorre Kenneth Delatorre Jaime Delatorre Donald Delatorre Kallie Delatorre Kathi Delatorre Theda Delatorre Jefferey Delatorre Colton Delatorre Jacquiline Delatorre Louie Delatorre Pandora Delatorre Judy Delatorre Mary Delatorre Providencia Delatorre Emmett Delatorre Jaqueline Delatorre Dan Delatorre Vanda Delatorre Luis Delatorre Blythe Delatorre Myong Delatorre Augustus Delatorre Clifton Delatorre Emory Delatorre Teena Delatorre Katia Delatorre Tonita Delatorre Kena Delatorre Monique Delatorre Shelby Delatorre

Your Names*–———————————————————–


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Undisclosed recipients Subject: abandoned

I am looking for Mónica de la Torre, my biological mother. She traveled from Argentina to Barcelona with my father in 1975. They were both together there and in Minorca, where I was born. She went back to Argentina and disappeared when I was two years old, after being accused of subversive activities. I lived in Barcelona and New York until I was 16, but now I live in Argentina with my father and stepmother. I’ve heard rumors that my mother might be in the United States.

If you read this message and know something about her please communicate with me. It is possible that she doesn’t use her real name now. Unfortunately we don’t know what she looks like today. She had no birthmarks or scars in the past.

Thank you, Mercedes Correche


From: Monica de la Torre To: mcorreche@tuberí CC: Undisclosed recipients Subject: Re: abandoned

Hi! I am Monica de la Torre, but I am not your mother! I am Regional Student Representative for the #1 Region in the Nation, Region 1!! I live in Santa Clara, California, and am about to get my undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering! After receiving my BS, I plan to attend Graduate School to pursue a Masters Degree in Information Systems.

I write to you to give you words of wisdom… I haven’t always felt like a leader, but several experiences in my life have helped to put me in the position where I am now and to have the confidence that I have. I’m living proof of the quote “Leaders are made, not born!” I encourage you to have the same positive attitude towards life. Good luck with your search!

That’s all for now from this Silicon Valley Girl, Monica de la Torre


From: moni(c) To: Monica de la Torre CC: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: abandoned

Dear Monica de la Torre,

I wanted to alert you to the fact that your reply to Mercedes Correche, daughter of Monica de la Torre, went to everyone on the listserve and also let you know that I found it totally irresponsible. I don’t know who you are or what you’re thinking, but I’m pretty sure that the woman who found herself in the vulnerable situation of having to write such a painful e-mail did not appreciate your leadership messages.

As for you, Mercedes, believe it or not, my name is also Monica de la Torre. I am an officer at the Door Legal Services in New York, and I specialize on family law and the rights of teen parents or young people living independently. Should you need some information pertaining how you can go about dealing with your mother if you find her, please write to me. I’ll gladly offer my services to you at no charge.

Compassionately, Monica de la Torre


From: Becky Varnum To: mcorreche@tuberí CC: moni(c) Subject: Re: abandoned

Dear Mercedes,

I am a close friend of Monica de la Torre, the legal advisor in New York. She sent me your e-mail because she remembered my mentioning to her that I had met someone with her same name at a tennis tournament. I play tennis and clearly remember beating a woman named Monica de la Torre at the Wolverine Invitational in Ann Arbor in 1998. In fact, the final score was 6-2, 6-0. She had a Spanish accent that didn’t sound familiar to me, and I remember that when I asked her where she was from she tried hard to convince me that she had grown up in Texas. She was a very good player, but she clearly was concealing something. This might be the person whom you’re looking for. I can get in touch with the organizers of the invitational and ask them for more information on that strange woman.

Best, Becky


To: mcorreche@tuberí From: Manuela Subject: Mi madre

Hi Meche:

My English is no good. ¡Hablas español? Do you speak Espanish? I don’t know who you are or for what you wrote to me. My friend Manuela here in Veracruz has a transsexual website and says to me that you are looking for me. I am stripper, go-go dancer, performance artist and top model. Why do you want me? I do not want anybody to know the real name that my mamacita, descanse en paz, put me when I was brought to the world as a boy. Why do you want my data? If you have interest in my show come to Veracruz, aventurera. If not then good-bye.

Chau honey,

Mónica de la Torre Lo mejor de Veracruz

PD: You can see my photograph in the website. But careful with your baba, drool! Bad for the teclado, how do you say, the key boar.

TRANSSEXUAL TOP MODEL: MONICA DE LA TORRE From: Veracruz, Mexico Lives in: Veracruz, VER, MX


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: moni(c), Subject: Re: Re: abandoned

Dear Monica & Becky,

Thank you both very much for responding. I appreciate your offering to help, Mrs. de la Torre. As for you, Becky, if you could gather information for me I would appreciate it. I asked my father whether my mother was good at sports, or played tennis when she was married to him or in her youth. He said that she didn’t care for sports because everyone in her “bourgeois” family was athletic and she just liked to stay home reading (& smoking cigarettes.) He said that she became less prejudiced when she read that Samuel Beckett was an excellent swimmer and golf player. He also mentioned that she had a lot of nervous energy that she liked to get rid of by getting involved in challenging physical activities. Maybe she is the tennis player.

I need to see my mother again. Thank you for your help, ~Mercedes


From: To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Re: abandoned

Dear Mercedes,

My daughter was planning a vacation to Spain (Cataluña, to be precise) and came across your mother’s name again. There is a hotel in the medieval town of Regencós in Girona managed by a woman called Mónica de la Torre. The hotel is called the Hotel del Teatre, and just opened in the summer of 2003. It seems like it was an old theater turned into a hotel. It has a website: You might get her on the phone!

I haven’t been able to get information on the tennis player. I’ll keep trying.

Good luck, Becky


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: m.t.p.39@texasA& Subject: Looking for my mother

Dear Monica de la Torre,

This is not spam. Believe me. I’m sorry for the intrusion, but I am looking for someone of your same name, who is my birth mother. She disappeared 27 years ago in Argentina. Might you be the person I am looking for?

Thanks, Mercedes Correche


From: m.t.p.39@texasA& To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Looking for my mother


Is this some sort of joke? Just because my name sounds Spanish doesn’t mean that I am from Argentina. I am sick of receiving sales calls and junk mail in Spanish! What is this! If your last name is Hungarian does that mean that AT&T will send you Hungarian promotional material?

Anyway, I am not even 27 years old myself! I was born in 1982 and have never been married and have no children (that I know of, ha ha!) As of now I am a graduate student at the Texas A & M University; I’m getting a M.S. in Food Science and Technology.

Sorry I can’t help.

Take care, Monica


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: m.t.p.39@texasA& Subject: Re: Re: Looking for my mother


Please forgive me. When I saw your name on the website I was so excited that I forgot to read the information included in the listing for you. I just went back to your page and read it. I’m very curious to know why you chose to study “the properties of fried and baked tortilla chips fortified with mechanically-expelled soy flour”. What is that? Who eats that? Here in Argentina we don’t have that kind of product.

Anyway, is there anyone with your same name in your family? What is your mother’s name? I’m sorry to bother you again; I find it fascinating that you & I are almost the same age.

Good-bye, Mercedes


From: m.t.p.39@texasA& To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Re: Re: Looking for my mother

Hi Mercedes,

I’m sorry if I insulted you. There are many things I could tell you about my family, but I don’t think they’ll be of any worth to you. My parents are of Mexican descent, and I believe that they named me Monica because I was born on May 4, Santa Monica’s day. I don’t know that much about her except that she was the mother of St. Augustine. The last name is very common, you know? I wouldn’t look too much into it. Actually, where was your mother from? I don’t think that’s a common last name in Argentina, where everyone has those Italian-sounding names. It’d have to be Delta Torri, no?

Anyhow, re your question about my interest in tortilla chips, I’m studying the properties of fortified ones because I think they’re a healthy option for corn chips, which are low in proteins. Corn tortilla chips were the most popular snack in the nation last year. It’s awesome to me that so many otherwise starving Mexicans have survived on beans and tortillas only. I’m interested in developing nutritious and affordable foods that are appealing to lower-income people, who consume higher quantities of junk food than people in other economic strata. It could work, no?

Good luck with everything. I sure hope you find your biological mother. Monica


From: To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Looking for my mother

Dear Mercedes Correche,

I received an e-mail saying you were looking for someone of my same name. I’m sorry to upset you, but I’m not the person you’re looking for. You can see a picture of me at my cheerleading team website. Do I look like the other Monica? It’d be so cool to have relatives in Argentina! Maybe we’re cousins or something. I love dulce de leche Hagen Daas ice cream, isn’t it from the same place you are?

¡Hasta! M.

Monica De La Torre J.V. Class of 2005

Favorite Movie: “Me, Myself & Irene” Favorite Quote: Edison’s “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Or as my dad says, you can’t take the elevator to success, you have to take the stairs! Advice to Future Cheerleaders: Think team group–None of us is as smart as all of us.


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Subject: Check this out

Hi Monica,

Thanks for writing back. Of course you’re not whom I’m looking for! How old are you? My mother should be 57 now. From what could gather upon looking at your varsity’s website, it looks like you might write poetry. I found this on a website, did you write it? It sounds like you could have. I don’t know what the site is. It seems to be for a grade school somewhere in Spain or something. Did you ever study there?

POESÍAS 2001-2002En otros países

Mientras nosotros vemos la televisión niños de otros países mueren sin compasión.Guerras malditas hambre sin fin tienen la culpa de hacerles morir.

Los niños trabajan pues no hay escuelas, las mujeres trabajan cultivando las tierras.

La comida que tienen es muy poca, y a veces no tienen nada que llevarse a la boca.

Por eso debemos ser solidarios y ayudarles en todo lo que podamos.

Mónica de la Torre (6/A)


From: To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Check this out

Mercedes, Didn’t I mention that I can’t read Spanish? My parents keep pestering me about the low grades I’ve been getting in my Spanish class. ~Monica


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Subject: Re: Re: Re: Check this out

Hi again Monica,

Ok, so you didn’t write the poem. I’ll translate it, since I think you’ll like it. It might make you think about some stuff you haven’t thought of, like how lucky you are to be able to devote so much time to your senior dance project. Do you watch much TV?

Best, Mercedes

In Other Countries

While we’re watching TV children in foreign countries are dying without pity.

Wretched wars unending hunger are to blame for their deaths.

Children work for there are no schools, and women work sowing the land.

The food they have is barely enough, sometimes there’s nothing to bring to their mouths.

And so we ought to be in solidarity and help them in any way that we can.


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Subject: More to read

Hi again, Monica,

Sorry to bombard you. I just found another poem in Spanish by another Monica de la Torre. I wonder if my mother could have written this one at some point in her life. The poem was also translated by someone into English. It’s weird, I have no idea of what it means, but you might like it too.


Count-down by Mónica De la Torre

Coffee and cookies? ¡or do you prefer a cigarette to enjoy the vacant (I should have said lapidary) END of the year?

Is the one who a year ago -a year ago already-ate liquid grapes and salt still breathing?

As for me, I dare say that I AM dead and aLIVE and perhaps a bit sad, caught between the smoke and the teeth of James Bond with my loneliness, my own steel rods, and my holes.

And that’s not SO bad, if I survive the BITTER sip of coffee that does not WAKE one but rather induces the drowsiness of a SUB-marine turtle I’m s i n king or plunging into the green shell of an ORDINARY Sunday.

Mi rival es mi propio corazón, por traicionero . . . Where are you?

As for me, I dare say that I’m living these LAST minutes prefabricated

in a microwave oven, with the coffee dregs dissolved solved.

Five, four, three, two, two, two.

And the telephone? There’s nobody home . . .


From: To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: More to read

Hi Mercedes,

Listen, I’m very busy right now rehearsing a funk dance for a dance invitational, and to tell you the truth I don’t understand a single thing in that last poem you sent. It has nothing to do with me! I mean, what can I do with a poem like that? What does it mean? What does it teach me? It doesn’t say anything to me. I guess maybe the thing about the phone is interesting, although you can always textmessage someone if you don’t want to be waiting like an idiot for someone to pick up the phone or return your call.

Gotta run. Bye, Monica


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Subject: Re: Re: More to read

Sorry, I just thought the poem was fun. I guess I’m spending too much time in this search. I tend to get a little too eager when I find clues that could point me in the right direction.

Good luck with all your projects, Mercedes


From: mcorreche@tuberí To: Subject: news about the hotel in Girona

Dear Becky,

I wanted to make sure that you or anyone you know didn’t speak to the Monica de la Torre who used to run the Hotel del Teatre in Girona. I finally got to speak to someone at the hotel, a man named Ramón, who said that the previous manager had accidentally slipped after an employee had mopped the floor and was now in a coma. Can you believe it! I asked him for information on her, and he said he couldn’t disclose any. To tell you the truth, I smell something fishy. I begged him to at least answer whether the woman was South American, and he not only refused to tell me, but also hung up the phone on me! I’m devastated. I might have to travel there to see her, even if she’s comatose.

If you know anyone who ever stayed at that hotel, or spoke to the manager, please let me know as soon as you can!


*** From: To: mcorreche@tuberí Subject: Re: Check this out

As I was surfing I encountered the following website:

Take a look at it! It might help you.

Hasta! Monica


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